Blank-O-Rama Icon


Version Alphaα overview

Channel-O-Rama Icon
Channel-O-Rama has no documentation yet.

Util-O-Rama and Channel-O-Rama is not affiliated with or endorsed in any way, shape, or form by the Light-O-Rama® Company or the xLights® Organization.  Do NOT contact them for support regarding Channel-O-RamaChannel-O-Rama may create conditions in your sequence files which Light-O-Rama Showtime or xLights were never written to handle.  If you think you may have found a bug or issue with Light-O-Rama Showtime or xLights while working on a sequence which has been created or modified by Blank-O-Rama it probably isn't their fault.  Please report the problem to Doctor Wizard and  W⚡zlights software first.  Please send questions, suggestions, bug reports, and good dirty jokes to Doctor Wizard at or on the GitHub repository issues page here.

For release notes on the current version, click here.

Light-O-Rama and Showtime are registered trademarks of the Light-O-Rama Company.

xLights is a registered trademark of the xLights Organization.